Custom Legal Paper Index Tab (2)
Item No:PWC728337
Description: Legal sized index tabs provide functionality and practically. The indexes make it easier to locate information. Colors: White Sheet, Buff Beige Sheet ....
Custom Paper Index Tab (2)
Item No:PWC728336
Description: Index tabs add a professional finish to binder contents. The indexes make it easy for readers to quickly page to a particular section. Mylar coating on the tabs helps protect the t....
Custom Legal Paper Index Tab (1)
Item No:PWC728335
Description: Legal sized index tabs provide functionality and practically. The indexes make it easier to locate information. Colors: White Sheet, Buff Beige Sheet ....
Custom Paper Index Tab (1)
Item No:PWC728334
Description: Index tabs add a professional finish to binder contents. The indexes make it easy for readers to quickly page to a particular section. Mylar coating on the tabs helps protect the t....
January To December Clear Stock Index Tab Sets
Item No:PWC728333
Description: 11"x8-1/2" Sheet, 1/2" Capacity, Stock, Full Carton Colors: Dark Blue, Medium Blue, Light Blue, Dark Green, Medium Green, Light Green, Yellow, Light Yello....
Custom Index Tab Dividers - 9 Sets
Item No:PWC728332
Description: 8-1/2"x5-1/2", 9-1/2"x6", 11"x8-1/2", +1/2" index extension. Paper stock: white index - square corners. Punching: 3 hole punched mylar reinforced binding edge. Tabs: Clear mylar up....
Custom Index Tab Dividers - 8 Sets
Item No:PWC728331
Description: Sheet Size: 8-1/2"x5-1/2", 9-1/2"x6", 11"x8-1/2", + I/2" index extension. Paper Stock: 90# white index - square corners. Punching: 3 hole punched mylar reinforced binding edge. Tab....
Custom Index Tab Dividers - 7 Sets
Item No:PWC728330
Description: Sheet Size: 8-1/2"x5-1/2", 9-1/2"x6", 11"x8-1/2", + I/2" index extension. Paper Stock: 90# white index - square corners. Punching: 3 hole punched mylar reinforced binding edge. Tab....
Custom Index Tab Dividers - 6 Sets
Item No:PWC728329
Description: SheetSize: 8-1/2"x5-1/2", 9-1/2"x6", 11"x8-1/2", + 1/2" index extension. Paper stock: 90# white index - square corners Punching: 3 hole punched mylar reinforced binding edge . Tabs....
Custom Index Tab Dividers - 5 Sets
Item No:PWC728328
Description: SheetSize: 8-1/2"x5-1/2",9-1/2"x6", 11"x8-1/2", + 1/2" index extension. Paper stock: 90# white index - square corners Punching: 3 hole punched mylar reinforced binding edge . Tabs:....
Custom Index Tab Dividers - 4 Sets
Item No:PWC728327
Description: SheetSize: 8-1/2"x5-1/2",9-1/2"x6", 11"x8-1/2", + 1/2" index extension. Paper stock: 90# white index - square corners Punching: 3 hole punched mylar reinforced binding edge . Tabs:....
Custom Index Tab Dividers - 3 Sets
Item No:PWC728326
Description: SheetSize: 8-1/2"x5-1/2",9-1/2"x6", 11"x8-1/2", + 1/2" index extension. Paper stock: 90# white index - square corners Punching: 3 hole punched mylar reinforced binding edge . Tabs:....